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Facebook Marketing Management

Professional PPC & Adwords Management.

20 Years in Business - Certified Facebook Ad Management (PPC)

CPC, CPM, PPC Campaigns.

Facebook Ads Campaign Setup

Growarock will have an initial conversation regarding your goals and expectations from the Facebook Ad Campaign(s) to fully understand the company growth desires. The campaign creation process differs if for example a company wants to brand themselves rather than obtain direct sales. Thus, our initial consult is strictly based on comprehending the depths of the direction the company is headed. If you have an existing campaign, we will evaluate the campaign to further determine its effectiveness based on historical data before we begin either creating new campaigns or modifying them as needed.

Facebook Ads Ad Set

Once a Facebook Ad Campaign is created and/or analyzed, Growarock will proceed to create the Facebook Ad Set which entails Targeting, Budgeting and Scheduling. Targeting is choosing the right audience who will be more likely to pay attention to the ads, while reach extends to show ads to the maximum number of people of the selected audience while staying within the budget. Budgeting and Scheduling requires an in depth analysis of who the target audience is in order to understand when the Facebook Ad should be displayed and how much to spend on that campaign.

Facebook Ads Placements

In addition, Growarock will determine the perfect Facebook Ad Placement(s) by analyzing the target audience and correlating it to the different platforms available, such as Instagram, Facebook and Facebook Messenger.  The Facebook Placement will drive the proper traffic to the website whether the goal is brand awareness or reach coupled with engangement.

Facebook Ads

The actual Facebook Ads used are vital to the project goal because the Ad is what captivates the target audience in branding or engagement. The Ad can be either in the form of text or an image or a video Ad. Creative Ads that captivate and engage an audience is an art form that Growarock has mastered. We know Marketing and audiences love our Ads because we create Ads that are direct and the Landing pages are logically developed to enhance the experience of the user that clicks on the Ad.